Get Rid of Virtual Rust!

Refresher Tips for the inevitable return to in-person messaging. A year! Maybe even more than a year for some of us. Virtual everything-meetings, presentations, media interviews, recorded zoom videos, internal and external virtual communications, the list goes on and...

Michael Bay Meltdown can get you too!

It truly is painful to watch. But the real shocker is that it happened to a Hollywood power broker; a man who makes a handsome living communicating to the public through his films. If you haven’t see it, check out Director/Producer Michael Bay’s epic...

The beauty of brevity

Three times in one week. I know because I counted. That’s three times in one week I witnessed working executives, who happen to be family and friends, curse at their phones and threaten to hurt(jokingly, of course) whomever sent them the “life-story”...