Mar 10, 2015 | Blog, Media Training Tips
M-O-S. In the news business this acronym means “man on the street” and for years these have been four of the dirtiest works in TV news. Man on the street interviews have been used for years as a means of getting opinions on various subjects from...
Feb 18, 2015 | Blog, Media Training Tips
I recently worked with a client who was kicking some major butt during our mock TV interview sessions. While I was pleased by his performance, I was also confused. I listened to a recent radio interview he had done and while his performance was adequate, it...
Apr 29, 2014 | Blog, Media Training Tips
So the NBA has dropped it’s hammer on Los Angeles Clipper’s owner Donald Sterling with a life time ban. Good for the NBA. The action a strong and deliberate act which sends a zero tolerance message to all of those who communicate hate and intolerance. It...