Back in 2008 we launched AZ Freelance TV, with the idea that we could take our local TV news skills and apply what we know to network news and develop a brand new business while working for ourselves. We are pleased to report it worked! We started working for TV networks news and have produced national and international news stories for NBC, ABC, ESPN, Dateline, Today Show, NBC Nightly News, Good Morning America, and many many more. What we didn’t anticipate at the time was being able to apply our TV news story-telling skills to the private and government sectors as well. A variety clients lined up for help to tell their unique stories through a variety of ways including video production, media training, messaging coaching and crisis communications. AZ Freelance TV expanded to so much more and required a re-brand and name change- the Dubek Media Group was born.
Today, we have helped dozens of companies and government groups craft their perfect message through expert video production and media training. Our clients appreciate that we continue to work in TV network news, as that experience brings relevance and credibility and present day experience to everything we do here at DMG.
So, what has the past ten years taught us?
Clients want solutions. Not complications.
When we first launched, we had to remind ourselves we were no longer working in local news. We were no longer fighting a clock to make deadline. Clients often need and demand turn key solutions to tell their unique story. We trigger and engage our story-telling skills and go to work-from concept to completion. For most clients, the vendor is last on their priority list, as they need to focus on their primary roles and responsibilities. Our job is to not only deliver content or training, but also to do it seamlessly. At the ten year mark, we have perfected the process.
Technology changes. Story-telling does not.
4K video cameras. Smaller, more sophisticated drones. 360 degree action cameras. It seems like every week something new comes out in the video production world and it is easy to fall into the trap of buying the latest and greatest gear. Many video production companies will dangle the shiny toy in front of a new client as a means of securing new business, while forgetting the most important part of what we really do. Without an expert story-teller to craft the message, that expensive shiny toy is meaningless. Ten years in the business and I still have not had a client tell me they really wanted a specific new camera or drone or other technology. All have let us decide which toys to use to tell their best story because they recognize we are the experts and that’s why they hired us.
Expert video production, media training and news gathering. It’s what we do as professional story-tellers. Here’s to another 10 years!
Rich Dubek is a two-time Emmy award winning TV news reporter with more than twenty five years of news media experience at the local and network level. He is President of the Dubek Media Group, specializing in expert media training and on-air coaching, and full service video production. The Dubek Media Group is based in Tempe, Arizona.