Just about every corporate communications team is using video in same shape or form. But how are you using video? Especially for internal communications, when it might be easier to record a company statement on an Iphone. After all, the video is for internal purposes only, right? No branding, nothing fancy.
That strategy might work at times but our approach is very different. Why cheapen your brand by “mailing-in” the easiest path possible for your most important audience? Internal video is often just as important as external video, and at times, even more important.
Take a look at a recent internal video we produced for a utility company:
The video was played for an internal audience at a company regional meeting and the idea was to take a tour and educate the rest of this international company as to what they do here in Arizona, and where they do it. Could this have been done with a power point slide show? Absolutely. But would that approach have effectively educated and engaged the audience? Doubtful. Here’s what we did:
Find a backdrop more interesting than a conference room.
We found a beautiful setting with mountains and some of the utility structure to serve as our backdrop. Why put your internal audience to sleep with the same old office or conference room when you can take them outside!
Use Visuals!
Even the most dynamic speakers cannot hold the attention or your audience without visuals. Here we used bold and engaging graphics to help visualize some of the numbers and technical aspects of what they do at the utility. We used a drone and car-mounted GoPro to add a little pizzazz. Maybe most importantly, we got help from the other state regional offices to provide photos of their employees and offices, as the budget did not allow our production crew to travel and shoot footage statewide. This was a true team effort and the more visuals you can get your hands on, the better the results.
Use a qualified spokesperson.
Sure, every company has strong leaders but in the video world, that does not necessarily mean they are good on-camera. We did not use a teleprompter for this shoot but he still did a great job. How did he pull it off? Help guide your spokesperson by creating key video messages BEFORE the shoot. Practice those key messages until he or she is comfortable. And for those who regularly address a camera, get them media trained to provide the skills and confidence they will need to succeed on-camera. The investment is well worth the money and time.
Our client says they have been overwhelmed with employee requests to watch the video again, so we were happy to provide them with a link. Proof that a little time and effort goes a long ways towards engaging an internal audience.
Rich Dubek is a two-time Emmy award winning TV news reporter with more than twenty five years of news media experience at the local and network level. He is President of the Dubek Media Group, specializing in expert media training and on-air coaching, and full service video production. The Dubek Media Group is based in Tempe, Arizona.