For the past ten years and counting we have provided our clients with expert, comprehensive in-person media training and messaging coaching. This typically happens in a conference room or off-site space set-up to accommodate this kind of training. While this set-up remains the go-to standard for most trainings we do we are pleased to announce a new option- media training and coaching via video conference. While this technology has been around for awhile, we had resisted in the past due to unreliable and slow WiFi, which created intolerable video buffering. Additionally, video conference technology also lacked some of the necessary technical features needed for a trainer, like the ability to record mock interviews and play them back, share digital content, playback video examples, etc.
It’s taken awhile to get there but finally, in this year 2019, we have arrived. We can now confidently say coaching and training can be delivered efficiently, effectively and affordably via live video conferencing! Media training delivered digitally offers some great advantages including client convenience, no on-site set-up time required, and a more schedule friendly platform. Technically-the audio and video quality is outstanding and we have the ability to screen share my training outlines and playback my video examples. Additionally, I can lead a mock on-camera interview from my computer, record it, and play it back, just like in-person trainings.
So what kind of trainee can best benefit from video conference coaching and training? It’s probably better suited for an individual or small group than a large group. This would also make a lot of sense for those who need to polish up some skills or hone in on some specific aspects of training but don’t need a full in-office set-up, with all of my video gear and handouts. And perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this form of training-the cost. Since we do not have to travel and set-up to make it happen, it is much more efficient for us too, so we’ve priced it at about 1/3 the cost of our in-person media training.
We love when technology presents new opportunities for our clients and we look forward to working with you-whether in-person or remotely!
Rich Dubek is a two-time Emmy award winning TV news reporter with more than twenty five years of news media experience at the local and network level. He is President of the Dubek Media Group, specializing in expert media training and on-air coaching, and full service video production. The Dubek Media Group is based in Tempe, Arizona.