Some times the simplest things can make all the difference. And a video shoot is no different, especially when a client expects to have a finished product he or she will be proud of.
Maybe you’ve been doing video work for a while and are relatively confident your in-house team or vendor will do a great job with framing the shot and lighting and all of the other things which go into a great looking video production. But what about the small details? Are you on top of that too? Do you have some of the simple tools to ensure the boss will look great on-camera? Here are some my favorite products to bring on any video shoot:

Wrinkle Release
I’ve seen it a million times. The CEO has been running around all day long and when interview time finally comes later in the day, that once freshly pressed blouse is a wrinkled mess. Wrinkle release spray works like a champ. Simply spray (lightly) the offending shirt and wipe away the wrinkles. For most standard head and shoulder shots, you will only need to worry about the very top of the shirt, so this a very quick and simple solution to wrinkles.
Hair Spray
As video cameras have become more sophisticated and video quality has rapidly improved, the problem of fly away hair strands has become a bigger problem. HD and beyond cameras are capable of seeing so much more and a few strands of hair can become more problematic on camera than they are via the human eye. A little hair spray will quickly and easily control fly away hair.
Blot Powder
We are based in Arizona where it’s typically warm, if not hot. Sweat is a fact of life here, and a shiny face is a common problem. While it’s normal, face shine looks bad on-camera and can even be distracting for the viewer. Blot powder is not make-up but rather absorbs natural oils on the face resulting in a much cleaner and dryer look on-camera, for women and men alike. Just make sure to have extra sponges and never reuse an old sponge for a new face.
Additional Tips
Long sleeve shirts always seem to show better on-camera than short sleeves, and for guys, collared shirts look much better as well. Try to wear solid, contrasting colors and avoid busy patterns.
For a cleaner line when it comes to posture, try having your on-camera guest sit on his or her shirt or coat tail. It will straighten out the shoulder wrinkles.
Finally, for men who are wearing a tie, make sure the tie is straight and aligned correctly. For women, make sure her shirt is not bunched and collars are not awkwardly exposed.
Simple products and simple tips can pay dividends in the edit room later.