Despite the chaos and the disruption and all the madness which defines 2020, some things remain consistent. Life and work moves forward, albeit different. In the Dubek Media Group world, it has been a strange year to say the least. Our video production work actually increased this year compared to 2019, and the reason has a lot to do WITH COVID.
As it turns out, businesses and non-profits and government groups had a lot of COVID-related messages to get out in 2020, for both internal and external audiences. We cranked out video content after video content, traditional video and animation and everything in-between, mostly focused on COVID-19 related messages and how these organizations are safely navigating this new pandemic world. Here’s one example of our 2020 COVID-related video content:
A different story so far with our media training and on-camera coaching consulting. 2020 has definitely been a down year for us in this area and the reason why is fairly clear. Our consulting services, including messaging and media training are PERSONAL. Over the years, we have done hundreds of individual and group media training sessions and ALL of them up to this point in time have been in-person. It has been very much a hands-on and up close approach for obvious reasons. So here we are now at the end of 2020 and I think it’s safe to say most of us are sick and tired of Zoom! Sure it works and serves as an adequate back-up in a COVID world, but it’s not the same as in-person meetings and trainings.
So what’s our plan moving forward? We are offering our clients safe and effective options. When it comes to media and messaging coaching, yes, we can do individual or group sessions virtually. We have done this throughout the year and will continue to do so moving forward. While we don’t yet feel it’s time to offer in-person group training, we are able to offer individual in-person media and messaging training. We do this with safe spacing, a no-touch microphone set-up, and mandatory masking for both us and you.
We remain optimistic that a vaccination will bring back normalcy in 2021 and look forward to helping you improve your messaging and on-camera performance in the new year!
Rich Dubek is a two-time Emmy award winning TV news reporter with more than twenty five years of news media experience at the local and network level. He is President of the Dubek Media Group, specializing in expert media training messaging, and on-air coaching, and full service video production. The Dubek Media Group is based in Tempe, Arizona.