Jan 9, 2015 | Blog, Media Training Tips
The beginning of a new year is always a great time for mind, body, and work reflection. What did we accomplish and what can we do differently in 2015? It’s no different for communication professionals who work with the news media. It is a perfect time to analyze...
May 7, 2014 | Blog, Media Training Tips
I know the life of a TV news reporter very well. I walked the walk for ten years, plus an additional ten years behind the scenes. I continue to work in the business as a freelance reporter and producer for several major TV networks so I have a pretty decent level of...
Apr 9, 2014 | Blog, Media Training Tips
It is a rare find. Do you have it? Most don’t. Can you tell me about your business and why you are the best in your field? Oh, and I need it a couple of sentences, not paragraphs. If you can do it, I congratulate you. I always ask my media training participants...
Apr 1, 2014 | Blog, Media Training Tips
No matter the client or the type of business, there are certain questions I get at my media training sessions with some level of consistency. At the top of that list, “when I answer a reporter’s question, how long should my answer be?” If you are...
Jan 9, 2014 | Blog, Media Training Tips
It truly is painful to watch. But the real shocker is that it happened to a Hollywood power broker; a man who makes a handsome living communicating to the public through his films. If you haven’t see it, check out Director/Producer Michael Bay’s epic...