Video production tips, media and messaging secrets & more

The Basics of Effective Video Storytelling

We've had several recent inquiries from organizations who have asked if we could train their staffs on the art of impactful video story-telling. While we have offered media training services and coaching since our inception, we have never offered video production...

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When to Use Voice-Over in Professional Videos

"Do we need to include voice-over in this video production project?" File that question under my Top 5 most common when working with one of our video production clients. While we are equipped to do voice-overs and I personally have voiced thousands of videos/stories...

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First Time Using a Teleprompter? Read this first.

One thing we have all quickly learned during this pandemic is that all of us are experiencing new things. Besides the pandemic itself, maybe it's the first time you've ever worked from home or your first video conference or, if you are like my wife, your first time...

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How to Create a Good Public Apology

You've seen a lot of these lately, right? Whether it's related to COVID or BLM/protests, our current environment seems ripe for many people, governments, and/or businesses to make very big public mistakes. Through my experiences I have found the public to be very...

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The Return of White Board Animation Videos!

They're baaaack... After a popular run five years ago there appears to be a new demand for white board animation videos in this new, COVID-19 world. What are white board animation videos? Here's a recent one did for Arizona-based Valley Metro:...

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Tips for a More Professional Looking Zoom Conference

EVERYONE seems to be using Zoom. Many are connecting with family and friends virtually to be safe during this pandemic and virtual happy hours are now a big thing. But a lot of people are also using Zoom or Google or Face-time for work. In fact, we have been using...

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Communicating During Covid-19

If you are like me, you are getting a lot of Covid-19 emails sent from your favorite businesses and organizations. I've read some good ones and some bad ones. So what determines which communications are effective and which are not? Here are some quick tips to keep in...

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Starting Messaging Tips for Start-Ups

We love working with start-up companies! In fact, over the past month we have begun work with a new national art gallery, a digital textile company, and a remote kitchen co-op. As a media training and expert messaging consultant there is nothing more gratifying than...

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Top Three On-Camera Mistakes

We've conducted A LOT of on-camera interviews. Whether for network news, corporate video production, or media training sessions, you begin to see patterns with what clients and interviewees do well and where they do poorly. While we prefer to focus on the positives,...

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Amplify Your Message with the Message Amplified App!

Perform better on-camera for news media and social media. Create and deliver better messages for presentations and speeches. We can help with our brand new app, Message Amplified. Our free new app for Apple and Android is loaded with tips and tutorials to help you be...

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A Sit-Down Interview with a Professional Hitman

Over a 27 year journalism career I have had my share of interesting interviews.  Those have included U-S Presidents, professional athletes, Fortune 500 CEO's, porn stars, and many many others. But when NBC News called and asked me to interview a former mafia hit-man,...

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Three Simple Ways to Navigate Bad Press

Of all the questions I get as a media trainer, tips for dealing with bad or negative media attention is in the top three. In this hyper-aware media and social media world, just about any company or organization should be prepared to deal with negative attention, as...

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Why 2019 is the Year of Video

Using video to help tell your unique business story is no longer an add-on marketing option. It is a consumer expectation. This marketing lesson recently driven home by one of our ad agency clients over coffee who described the upcoming new year for them as "the year...

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How to Use Video To Educate New Hires

I will admit that video production for EXTERNAL audiences makes up the highest percentage of our video production projects. But don't confuse the numbers with the importance of effective internal communications using video. While video story-telling for external...

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Getting Your On-Camera Interviews To Say The Right Things

The backdrop looks great. The lighting is near perfect. Audio is good. We are rolling! But wait, what is this? We have a bad interview. He is not speaking in complete thoughts. His energy is awful. None of this interview is usable. S***! Now what? The very best...

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Changing Behavior Through Video: The Key Ingredients

Videos intended to change behavior may be the toughest to produce. That's because you have to hit all of your marks along the video production process to reach your goals. To ultimately change behavior, you have to give the viewer a compelling and visual reason why....

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Video Marketing Without a Great Story? Waste of Time & Money.

Snake oil salesmen peddle video as if it is some sort of magical tonic. You have probably seen some of these video marketing statistics: Before reading any text, 60% of site visitors will watch a video if available. (Diode Digital) One minute of video is worth 1.8...

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Lessons In News Interviews Gone Right: Setting The Right Tone

It's probably easier to tear apart  interviews gone bad. As a media trainer, I've done plenty of that over the years. But did you catch the NBC News interview with Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi? At the time, it was an exclusive with the new CEO and he was facing several...

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Why Screaming “Fake News!” is a Horrible Media Strategy

"Fake News!' is all the rage. Everyone seems to be doing it, especially those caught in the media cross hairs with no where else to go. That was certainly the case for Rep. Claudia Tenney, Republican from New York. Following the horrific mass school shooting in...

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Chasing Jack Nicklaus: Arizona Video Production

Even at 78 years young, the greatest golfer to ever play the game is still a very busy guy. Jack Nicklaus, nicknamed the Golden Bear, still holds the record for most career major wins at 18 and is considered by most to be the sports biggest name. Frankly, that is why...

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